How Much Does Well Water Cost Per Month?

More than 24 million American totally rely on well water by setting up private wells in the United State of America. Well water is more cost-effective for everyone because you can pay for well at once. A common question asked, “How much does well water cost per month?It’s difficult to calculate the accurate cost of your well, because it depends on some factors. 

Average cost to drill a well is $1,500$5,000, sometimes it’s reached $15,000, depending on your well depth. Well water is more cost-effective than tap water, because you should only pay $25-$50 per month for electricity.

In this article, we’ll explore the average Monthly cost of your well, and we also explore some instructions to decrease the monthly cost of your well.

Average Cost of Well Water 

Minimum Cost

Minimum cost to drill a new well is about $1,500-$3,000, if you live in soft places like Hawaii, Nebraska, Delaware, Kentucky, South Carolina, North Dakota, and Rhode Island.

In these areas, you should not need a proper filtration system due to better water quality. That’s why you only pay $5-$10 for pumping out well water.

Maximum Cost

Maximum cost to drill a new well is about $5,000-$15,000, if you live in rocky places like San Antonio, Tampa, Minneapolis, Jacksonville, San Jose, and Las Vegas.

In these areas, you should need a highly expensive filtration system that removes harmful contaminants from your water. That’s why you paid $30-$50 per month.

Factors Influencing Monthly Costs of Well

Several factors that depend on monthly cost of your well in America, including:

1. Electricity Costs

Most well water systems work on electric pumps in America, that’s why you’ll have to pay monthly electric bills. Monthly electric bills depend on the efficiency of the pump, well depth, and the volume of water.

On average, a standard electric pump typically incurs a monthly cost of $5.

2. Water Treatment

You always should invest in a proper water filtration system, depending on the quality of water. Monthly costs include purchase treatment chemicals, or maintenance fees.

On average, you yearly paid $50-$100 on treatment chemicals, and monthly paid $10 on maintenance.

3. Insurance

You might consider well insurance to cover potential damages with your well, depending on location and circumstances.

You may pay between$ 5 per month to the insurance company.

4. Taxes

If you are American then you should pay taxes based on water usage to America. In many areas of America, the government announced $25-$50 on your well water usage.

Total Monthly Cost

As a total you should pay $70 per month to your well that’s less than monthly water bills after drilling.


More than 24 million of Americans totally rely on private wells across the United States. Well water is a more cost-effective way of getting pure and secure well water. The initial cost of the well is too high but the total monthly cost on your well is about $70, which is many times less than monthly expensive water bills.

In addition, you should pay some amount of money to your government or insurance companies. 


What factors influence the cost of well water per month?

The cost of well water can be influenced by factors such as the initial expenses, maintenance, electricity, or fuel costs for pumping, water treatment costs, and any repairs required over time.

Are there any upfront expenses associated with installing a well for water?

Yes, there are upfront expenses for drilling the well, installing the pumping system, obtaining permits, and possibly water testing. These costs can vary widely depending on factors such as the depth of the well, geological conditions, and local regulations.

How does the cost of well water compare to municipal water systems?

The cost of well water can vary significantly depending on location and individual circumstances. In some cases, well water can be cheaper than municipal water, especially in areas where municipal water service is not readily available. 

Can I estimate the monthly cost of well water based on my household size and usage?

Yes, you can estimate the monthly cost of well water by considering factors such as your household’s water usage patterns, the efficiency of your well pump, electricity or fuel costs, and any additional expenses for water treatment or maintenance.

Do different regions have varying costs for well water?

Yes, the cost of well water can vary depending on factors such as geological conditions, local regulations, and the availability of skilled professionals for installation and maintenance.

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