How to Fill a Swimming Pool with Well Water?

If you have a swimming pool, you need to figure out where the water will come from. You might wonder if it’s okay to fill your pool with well water. The simple answer is yes, but there are important things to think about first.

In this article, we’ll explain what you need to know about using well water for your pool. It will cover making sure your well can give you enough water, testing the water, and taking care of your pool properly.

Is It Safe TO Fill My Pool With Well Water?

Yes, you can use well water to fill your swimming pool. But, it’s crucial to know that well water often has stuff in it that can affect your pool water quality. Harmful contaminants like arsenic, iron, hydrogen sulfide, minerals that make water hard, can mess up your pool.

They might change the water color, stain the pool tiles, and harm the filters, pipes, and pumps. It also helps bacteria grow at high speed. To deal with these problems, you’ll probably need to filter and treat your well water before putting it in your pool.

How to Fill My Swimming Pool with Well Water?

Here are the steps to fill a pool with well water:

  1. Connect a hose from the well pump to the pool.
  2. Switch on the pump and watch carefully.
  3. Stay close to the pool while water goes in to check for any color changes.
  4. If you see the water changing color, stop the flow right away.
  5. Wait a few hours before starting to fill the pool again.
  6. Even though it seems simple, there are important things to think about. One problem is that filling the pool might use up all your well water or mess up the well pump.

Consideration While Filling My Pool with Well Water

1.       Pool Size

Filling big pools with well water can take a long time, maybe even days or weeks.

For example, if your pool holds 7500 gallons and your well gives 5 gallons per minute, it’ll take a while to fill up.

There is also a chance your well could run out of water while filling the pool for so long.

2.       Underground Water Level

How much water is in the underground aquifer will affect how long it takes to fill a pool with well water. When filling, it’s important to give the well enough time to fill back up. This might mean waiting between filling sessions.

3.       Water Rate

How fast your well pumps out water will decide how long it takes to fill your pool. High speed can lead to risk of filling up harmful contaminants in your pool. That’s why you should keep your eyes on the water rate.

4.       Pump Health

Whether your well pump is working well or not is really important in figuring out how long it takes to fill your pool. If the pump isn’t working right, it might not give out water as fast as it should.

5.       Water Supply

Make sure you don’t use any water for at least 24 hours before filling your pool to avoid running low on water. It’s best not to use water for other things if you’re filling the pool straight from the well pump using a hose.

Pros and Cons of Filling Your Pool with Well Water

Pros of Filling Your Pool with Well Water

1.      It Saves Money

Using well water for your pool doesn’t cost you anything extra. If your well can give enough water fast enough, you can fill even big pools without worrying about a big water bill.

2.      It’s Easy

You don’t have to hire someone or spend a lot of time figuring out how to fill your pool with well water. Lots of pool owners want an easy way to fill their pool, and using water from a private well is a great choice.

3.      Environmentally Friendly

Using well water reduces reliance on treated municipal water, conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact.

4.      Less Risk of Contamination

Well water is often less susceptible to contamination from external sources compared to municipal water, providing a cleaner and potentially safer swimming environment.

Cons of Filling Your Pool with Well Water

While using well water in a pool has its benefits, there are also some potential drawbacks to consider:

1.      Makes Your Well Dry

Depending on how big your well is, filling a big pool with well water might make your well run out of water. This is more likely if you’re filling a really big pool or if your well doesn’t give out a lot of water at once.

2.      Takes Long Time

Using well water to fill a pool usually takes a while.

For example, it might take about 9 hours to fill a 5,000-gallon pool if your well gives out 5 gallons per Minute. If your pool is bigger, like holding 10,000 or 20,000 gallons, it’ll take even longer to fill up.

3.      Pre-Treatment

Well water often has more contaminants like iron, minerals, that make water hard, and small amounts of metals compared to city water. To make sure your well water is okay for your pool, you usually need a filtration system to clean it properly.

4.      Affect’s Nearest Water Supply

You might share your water source with neighbors. If you use a lot of well water to fill your pool, it could mean less water for them.

Testing Your Well Water before Filling in Your Pool

Here are the steps to follow before filling your swimming pool with water from your well:

1.     Testing Well Water

First, test your well water to know what’s in it. This test tells you about the metals, minerals, germs, and chemicals in your water.

Testing helps decide if you need a filter to clean the water before putting it in your pool.

2.     Took Water Sample from Your Pool

As a second step, you can take a sample of your well water to a nearby pool store. Ask for a water test there (they might charge you for it).

An expert at the store can check if your water is good for the pool or if it needs filtering.

3.     Install a Proper Water Treatment System

If you don’t already have a way to treat your water for problems like high levels of calcium, iron, or pH issues, it’s a good idea to get one now.

A water softener or a whole-house water filter can get rid of stuff in the water that can harm your pool and make it look weird.

Additionally, these systems make all the water in your house better, not just for your pool, but for drinking and showering too.


Filling your pool with well water can work, but it’s important to be careful. You need to check if the well water is clean and might need to clean it more before using it. Also, think about how much water you have and how long it will take to fill your pool.

Remember, using well water can save money and is good for the environment, but it might make your well dry or take a long time. Test the water first, and make sure you have a way to treat it if needed. And be mindful of your neighbor’s water supply too.


Can you fill your swimming pool with well water?

Yes, you can fill your pool with well water, but it’s essential to ensure the water quality is suitable for swimming.

How do I know if my well water is suitable for my pool?

You can test your well water for contaminants such as iron, minerals, and bacteria. If levels are high, you may need to treat the water before filling your pool.

How should I prepare my well water for filling the pool?

Install a proper water treatment system to remove harmful contaminants. This may include a water softener or whole-house water filter.

How long will it take to fill my pool with well water?

The filling time depends on factors like pool size, water flow rate from the well, and underground water levels. Larger pools or slower well flow rates may take several days to fill.

Can filling my pool with well water affect my well’s water supply?

Yes, filling a large pool with well water may deplete your well’s water supply temporarily. It’s crucial to monitor water levels and avoid overuse during filling.

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